I am a postdoctoral researcher at the Université du Luxembourg. I was previously a postdoc at the University of Notre Dame, USA.
I graduated with my PhD at the University of Rennes 1, France. My advisers were Jürgen Angst and Ismaël Bailleul, and the title of my thesis was Homogenisation for kinetic Brownian motion [pdf].
Here is my CV (French version).
My office is on the fifth floor of the Maison du Nombre (MNO) on the Belval campus, see map below.
Upon entering the building (the entrance faces south), make a right and go through the glass doors to the elevators. Exiting the elevator or the stairs on the fifth floor, enter the door to your right (DMATH), and go down the hallway until you reach a common area with couches and blackboard walls. My office is the second to your right on the wall you are facing, as you will be able to tell from my name on the door.
My name is pronounced roughly Pier Peru-show (accent on the show). As far as I know, an approximate phonetic representation would be [pjɛʁ peʁyʃɔ].