Teaching experience

This is a list of my past teaching responsibilities, with links to resources. These are not updated anymore, and are presented for archiving purposes.

Université du Luxembourg
Spring 2024
Markov chains (lectures );
Seminar course (organization);
Fine properties of Brownian motion, bachelor project (supervision );
Zeta-regularized sums and products, seminar (supervision );
Equidecomposition of polygons and polytopes, seminar (supervision ).
Fall 2023
Topics in complex geometry, reading course (lectures and organization ).
Spring 2023
Markov chains (lectures );
Phase transitions in Erdős-Renyi graphs, computational maths project (supervision ).
Fall 2022
Introduction to probability and statistics (lectures );
Stochastic analysis (exercise sessions ).
Spring 2022
Markov chains (lectures );
Continuum percolation, bachelor project (supervision );
Critical percolation in \(\mathbb Z^2\), seminar (supervision );
The Arctic Circle Theorem, computational maths project (supervision /).
Fall 2021
Introduction to probability and statistics (lectures );
Stochastic analysis (exercise sessions ).
University of Notre Dame
Spring 2021
Introduction to probability (lectures );
Calculus B (lectures ).
Fall 2020
Calculus, two sections (lectures ).
Spring 2020
Introduction to probability (lectures ).
Fall 2019
Calculus, two sections (lectures ).
Université de Rennes 1
Spring 2019
Introduction to symbolic and numeric computing, two sections (practicals );
Numerical analysis for statisticians (practicals ).
Fall 2018
Introduction to symbolic and numeric computing, two sections (practicals ).
Fall 2017
Introduction to symbolic and numeric computing, three sections (practicals );
Vector calculus (exercise sessions ).
Spring 2017
Introduction to symbolic and numeric computing (practicals );
Linear algebra (exercise sessions ).
Fall 2016
Introduction to symbolic and numeric computing (practicals ).